And it begins….


With movies like Star Trek and Mission Impossible 3 on his resume, J.J. Abrams seems like the ideal director to hand a beloved franchise to.

However, this video has made me wonder just how much of Abrams’ own storytelling sensibilities are going to make it onto the screen and whether they’ll completely alter the new sequels into something that is worth viewing but unrecognizable.

Oh well, at least there’s no way he’d be able to introduce an element to the film as irritating as Jar Jar Binks….r-right guys?

I thought I was too old to get excited about a movie starring giant robots.  I was wrong.

Haven’t played it, but seems to be right up my alley.

Don’t ask why, just scroll down.

It’s probably not that great, but c’mon, it’s free. Give your local comic shop a visit once in a while, will you? At this point you’re probably going to find a cobweb enshrouded skeleton sitting behind the front counter.

I guess Disney is pretty eager to make those $4 billion dollars back.


Don’t have much to talk about today, but I don’t think anyone would mind me posting a pic of a Powergirl cosplayer*


*Yes, I realize this version of Powergirl could use a few good cardio sessions, but don’t act like you wouldn’t.


Here’s some links so you shut up.


If you’re not a hipster, brand whore, or stock trader, you really shouldn’t care.  Or should you?


So now I have to wait an extra four months to run over cops with my Lamborghini? 


When I was a kid, Superboy was one of the most wholesome characters in the DC Universe.  Here’s a snapshot of the monstrosity he’s become.


If you’re wondering who the girl in the picture is…..    (careful, sort of NSFW)


(Here’s where the trailer link would be if it was available before 2/3/13)

Game day is upon us.  If you’re like me, you don’t give a flying f— about football, but can stand to watch a movie trailer or two. Then again, I guess I can just watch the very same trailers on Youtube the next day without all the pesky sports getting in the way.

Here’s some links for my fellow geeks who won’t be watching the game.

Harbinger is becoming a movie before Solar, Turok, or X-O Manowar?  I guess it’s best not to question Hollywood since they’ve never made a bad comic book movie.

Kid gamers, time to start begging and threatening suicide.  Adult gamers, time to ask your manager at Pizza Hut for more hours.

This girl is going to be making out on camera with the guy who plays Captain America. It’s kinda comic-related.